Quiz: How Superstitious Are You?

Most people believe in at least one old wives’ tale. A few of us here don’t even get out of bed on Friday the 13th. (Okay, so that’s just an excuse for a long weekend.) To find out how superstitious you are ( in time for the spooky season), take this quiz.

How many times are you supposed to knock on wood, and why?

How many four-leaf clovers have you found?

You're late for school and the sidewalk is blocked by a slow-moving crowd of old people. The quickest way around them is under a ladder propped against a building. You:

When you walk down the street, do you avoid every line or crack in the sidewalk?

You're having a party and your final guest list consists of 13 people. You:

You're called back for a second interview for a great job. You:

Your family decides to order Chinese food for dinner to avoid eating Dad's leftover meatloaf. You:

What is triskaidekaphobia?

After you accidentally knock over the salt shaker at dinner you:

You have a dream about the guy you've been obsessing over and in it he asks you out while standing underneath a Baskin Robbins awning. You: