February 1990: Rate Your Willpower

First things first. It's 1990. How many of your New Year's resolutions have you kept?

You spent all day Saturday with a truly amazing guy. He said he'd phone you Sunday, but now it's Monday. You're dying to call him, but you also want to play it cool. You:

Your class has decided to boycott your favorite TV show because the producer uses unfair hiring practices. You:

A guy from school whom you're really attracted to asks you out. You know from several sources that he treats his girlfriends badly. You:

Your best friend swears you to secrecy, then proceeds to tell you she's dating Johnny Depp. You:

You're trying to cut fried foods out of your diet, but your friends insist on eating lunch at McDonald's. You:

You didn't get around to studying for the big test. Fortunately, you're sitting next to Ernest E. Brain. You're so positive you can cheat without being caught. You:

You've saved a month's worth of babysitting wages for your mom's birthday gift. But on your way to buy it, you pass those $75 Doc Martens you've been coveting. You:

You resolve to be nicer to your bratty little sis, but then you catch her in your bedroom trying on your rad new suede jacket. You:

How often do you find yourself drinking at a party just because everyone else is?

Your parents go away for the weekend. You totally don't have permission to drive the car--in fact, they hid the keys. You find them and: