December 1988: How Honest Are You

You borrow your best friend's skirt and accidentally spill salad dressing on it. When she asks for it, you:

You agree to meet an ex-boyfriend for a movie, even though you're not interested in him anymore. You:

You know who spray-painted graffiti all over the gym floor. When the principal asks if you know anything, you:

Your best friend (who's touchy about her weight) proudly shows off her new bathing suit. You think it makes her look chubbier. You:

The checkout chick accidentally gives you $10 too much change. You:

All your friends are talking about how daggy George Michael is, but you think he's hot. You:

Your best friend told her mother she was spending the night at your house SO she could go over to her boyfriend's. When her mother calls, you:

Your sister tells you she went to a party where everybody was doing drugs-including her. Your parents find out about the party and ask you if she was involved. You:

You cause an accident in your dad's car. When he asks about it, you:

It's your turn to walk the dog, but you're already late for a date. You: