June 1988 Slumber Party: Glop, Snail Trails & Being Artistic

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The June 1988 quiz purported to calculate how artistic we are, but not all of your co-hosts are on board with the magazine’s methodology — though we do tell you how we did. Then it’s on to playing a selection of your voicemails, covering such topics as Kiwi periods, guerrilla anti-smoking campaigns, Guess Jeans, Beetlejuice, and justice for George Newbern. Get into it!

Episode Rundown

Hello, It's June 1988

This Mint Business

Thrills Gum

The Sassiest Girl In America Contest

Quiz: How Artistic Are You?

From The Hotline

Goodbye For Now

Thrills Gum Again

Episode Notes

The Sassiest Girl In America Contest Application: Get yours in by May 7!
Take the How Artistic Are You? quiz!
Tara's review of The Mosquito Coast AppleTV+ series at Primetimer.com